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Collections of

Save links from the web, organize them into visual collections, and share them with the world!

One platform, infinite possibilities.

Discover some of the ways Wakelet can help you achieve your personal and professional goals.
CVs & Resumes

The quickest and easiest way to save and organize content!

no coding required

Simple and stylish interface.

Navigate across the platform and create collections with ease.
Organizing made simple

Organizing made simple.

Capture and arrange your content however you want, all in one place.
Collaborate and share

Collaborate and share.

Invite your clients and colleagues to work on collections with you!
unlimited collections for free

Powerful free features

Create, share, and collaborate on collections for free!
accessible and inclusive

Accessible and inclusive.

Built in Immersive Reader for enhanced inclusivity and language translation!
integrations with your favorite tools

Seamless integration with your favorite tools.

Hundreds of integrations with tools you already use!
Image of Edina Đorović
@Wakelet is not just a tool: it is a community! You can follow others, share and collaborate.Edina Đorović
Image of Bonnie Nieves
I love my @wakelet extension. It saves my open tabs to a collection so I can pick up where I left off & it saves anything to a collection or to bookmarks. I can share collections for collaboration with other peopleBonnie Nieves

Get started with a Free Plan or a District Plan!

Enjoy standard features for free, or discover how our District Plan features can transform teaching and learning across your school!